Living by faith should be a natural way of life for a Christian. However, many believers struggle with doubt, fear, and unbelief much of their lives. Faith, the faith we think we need to have to receive the things we desire, has somehow become elusive and complicated. Do we really need more faith? Or do we just need to have faith for more? After Peter successfully used his faith to walk on water he suddenly began to sink. Jesus asked him, "Why did you doubt?" This is the question answered by this book. Everyone deals with doubts and fears that prevent our faith from achieving God's best for us. You can learn how to remove enemies of your faith and receive the best God has to offer. |
At the heart of Christianity is a blood covenant between God and man. The strength and hope of every Christian is based on that eternal and binding covenant. The implications, the potential, and the blessings of this bond are beyond our imaginations. God's desire is that every believer learn the ways of the covenant and that they would obtain and walk in the wonderful things of the Kingdom of God. As with every great treasure there are keys to unlocking its riches. This book will open your eyes to one of the most foundational keys to enjoying the many promises in the Covenant of God. |